Wednesday, October 24, 2007

My First F Word

I had my first F bomb today... yup, you heard it!

I'll paint the picture for you. (leaving names out of course)

So, my super emo kid with hair over his eyes and holes in his ears large enough to put a pencil though, lets call him Nick. Nick was sitting in my front row (side note: since he sleeps ALL the time! or sometimes he is just stoned?) Anyway, my students were taking a test and Nick and the 5'2" talkative black kid who sits behind him, we'll call him Dee, had both finished their test and so should have been sitting quietly minding their own business while the other kids finished. Well, they weren't!

Dee decided that it would be funny to tickle Nick in his side (seeing that Dee is my class clown and will do anything to get a rise out of someone). Well Nick giggled at first in response to the tickling and then all of a sudden at the top of his lungs in my very quiet test taking room yelled "Don't f**king touch me!"

The room full of immature high schoolers quickly reacted with a unified "ooooohhhhhhh" for they knew he was in for it! Nick caught my eye and then placed his head down on his desk, where it stayed for the rest of the period. Minutes later I had Dee at my desk trying to convince me not to write up Nick, but lets just say his efforts failed!

While I could have had Nick given a ticket, he just had to suffer by spending a day in in-school suspension where I'm sure he pondered all the other great words that he could have used... fudge, frick, frank, or my personal favorite... just F.

The most amusing thing was the fact that Nick's dad called me to get the story about why his son was in ISS. After hearing the story he wanted to know why I hadn't punished Dee for tickling him! Are you kidding! Some parents!

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